Self-care is not indulgent; it's vital.

Mental health breaks are “about creating a space — both physical and emotional — that allows you to step back from your regular routines, commitments, and responsibilities to focus on restoring your mental wellbeing.”

10 minutes of meditation, a walk, podcast, or tidying up can create essential 'me-time' for a refreshing break.

How long does a mental health break have to be?

Mental health breaks enhance personal relationships and boost emotional resilience by reducing stress's impact on your mood and interactions.

What are the benefits of a mental health break?

1. Relax your jaw

4 activities to try for your next mental health break

2. Try a grounding exercise

3. Move your body

4. Connect with others

"To find balance and reduce overwhelm, practice self-compassion, set boundaries, and seek professional help when necessary

Additional ways to manage burnout