Eat Slow-Digesting Carbs Before Workout

Be sure that all the meals you eat before your workout, including the one immediately before, include about 40g of slow-digesting carbs such as oatmeal, sweet potatoes, fruit, or whole-wheat bread. 

In the four hours before your workout, avoid eating large amounts of fats, such as the obvious fast-food fare and packaged foods 

Avoid Higher-Fat Meals For Up to Four Hours Before Workout

About two hours before you hit the gym, include a green salad with low-fat dressing with your meal. 

Eat a Green Salad With Your Last Whole-Food Meal Before The Gym

Eat Buckwheat As Part Of Your Pre-Workout Carb Intake

A cup of cooked soba noodles before workouts can help get more pre-workout creatine into your muscle cells without blunting fat loss, which can occur from high insulin spikes.